Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Winner and New Perks

Thank you all for the comments! Super fun to interview Rachael and here what you like about the books. With out further delay.....FishGirl182 is the winner! I'll be emailing you to see what book you need or yarn!

On to the new perks! There's some new happening around here and this is how to play: show off a finished knit using Knitted Wit yarn and get 15% off your next purchase! Bring it to a show, post it on ravelry (send me a link), send me a picture (infoATknitttedwitDOTcom I'd love to show it on the blog!). Easy peasy!
Next fun perk: join the email list for quarterly updates. In the newsletter you'll find out about happenings: shows, new colors, sales. With each newsletter will also come the knit a long project. Each newsletter I'll choose a winner from the email list to get the yarn and pattern! No matter when you join the email list you'll always be eligible! I'm big on the changing of seasons so each equinox/solstice we'll be casting on. Look for the newsletter at the beginning of those months--enough time to get the pattern and yarn to join the KAL. There's a new little sign up spot, on the top right column of the blog. Sign up and be entered to win the winter KAL!!
I am so excited about these perks! Let me know what you think and what you'd like to knit for future KALs! December is just around the corner (that's what it feels like!)!