Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Starting to Catch Up

I took a few days off and what a difference! The only down side is loosing momentum. But I made sure to do a giant chunk of work before the break, just trying to pick up the strings and go again.

Sock Summit. Wow! What an adventure that was. Brooke and her son stayed at my house, and it was awesome. It took me a couple of days to remember she wasn't here and I won't see her until October.
The show was great, and the customers were amazing! I had great feedback on my booth and design. I already have some changes planned for OFFF (take a peek at their new website!). I can't say enough about the customers. I had so many great conversations, so incredible to be around so many talented knitters!
I also did a little shopping and trading! I love all my new knitting totes, but need to put up a coat rack to keep track of them. I bought some patterns to, I can't wait to have some samples knit up for the booth.

If you follow me on Twitter you know I put a call out for sample knitters. I can pay in trade with yarn, leave a comment if you are interested in participating. I'm switching a lot of yarn bases around, I can't wait to have a show and tell with you! Did I show you the sneak peak of fall colors? Go here to have a lookie-lou. You can go here for all the Cascadia colors, they're a little poke at Portlandia!

Next post I want to tell you the deets about the new yarns!


  1. I'd be happy to knit samples for you!

  2. And I can vouch for PNWBookGirl being a great knitter!

  3. Wish I could have been at Sock Summit, Next time

  4. Your booth looked great!!! Very happy colors. I like the new fall colors too.

  5. omgosh the colors are so pretty! Wish I knit faster so I'd need more sooner. lol

  6. I can also knit for you. Will be home from vacation today.
