I don't know where to start I have so much fun to share! So we're making a list and checking it twice
1. I finished
Octavia!!!! I botched the bind off on 10 stitches but I don't think anybody will notice even once it's blocked. I'm so proud of how the shawl turned out. I had to undo knitting a few times, but I finally got the lace section right. All user error, not designer error. Where are you on your shawl?

2. I'm super happy to have this project wrapped up. I'm headed south to the beach and I'm going solo with two little boys. Lace knitting is not great with beach and boys!
3. Now I get to find something to bring for knitting! Not that I don't have 3 projects living in my car and one living in my bag. Here's a secret: I've never knit anything with
Bling. Shocking, I know! So I'm thinking of trolling
ravelry for a bit and seeing what strikes my fancy.
Michele just released this
pattern that uses
Bling. Beautiful! There's a few skeins in the shop that would be great for this shawl. Michele is also doing a
knit a long, she has a coupon code for the pattern if you want to join!
5. I dropped off
Cypress Hollow Yarn at
Wool N Wares yesterday! The tags are one of my favorite parts, so sweet! On the back side of the heart is a quote from the character that goes with the color. When
Rachael sent me a list of the quotes I was ready to start reading the
books again! I won't even tell you how many times I've read them. I'm getting close to having the yarn ready to ship from the shop, warm those needles up!

6. I also dropped of some super wash worsted. I had to snap a few pictures, the yarn was so beautiful! I'm glad I can make more, I wanted to cast on some sweet little sweaters!


desert spirit
7. My neighbor is a great little sewer and made this little gem the other day! The bag is lined and will have a draw string top. She would love any feed back you have or wishes/wants/desires for a knitting bag. I can't wait to put an order in for mine!

8. I've had a few inquiries into the
Community Supported Yarn/Fiber and joining a little late. I'm going to open it back up in the shop and just prorate it. So the next shipment is June 15th, $80 (plus shipping) gets you yarn/fiber for the next 4 months.
9. New addition on the
Facebook page, you can
shop!! Look on the left hand side and in little words you'll see shop. Click there and you'll see all the beauties.
10. Are you still here? Wow, what a post! What are you doing for the holiday weekend? What are you knitting on? I'll see you next week!