Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where Are They Now

That's the topic today, where have all the knits gone. I'm not super inspired to talk about this. I'm always afraid that my knits aren't that great and don't get a lot of use. But I'm sure that's just an insecurity. I think I'm also a process knitter. I don't always care about the end product. I like the experience of the yarn and patterns and all the stories around the project. When I've woven in the ends I'm done. Maybe that'll change with maturity. Oh maturity!
Hmmmm, what else can we talk about? I'm kind of running on empty, we watched the neighbors little guy today. Three little boys under 3! It was all incredibly smooth, but still pretty tiring. I'm so glad the boys get along so well. I'm looking forward to the weather continually improving and more time outside!

So, do you have a hard time parting with knits? Is there anything you've made that you couldn't give away and did something else for them? I promise a much better blog tomorrow! An announcement is coming your way!



  1. I don't have a hard time gifting knits, apparently. A lot of my design stuff starts out as "I need a gift for..."

  2. Michele, me too. Any gift-giving event, and off I go. Not always knitting though. Sometimes a quilt, sometimes other things. I have had to keep a list of what I finish as none of it stays in my home. I get to the end of the year, and sometimes wonder what I made. Guess I should make ME some things.

    L: 3 little boys under 3. You are a brave woman. :)

